You should be able to just 'know' what's on a weapon precognitively, if you know what I mean, and work with that. In which case, you are in full control of what attributes are on weapons.

the other ones are called 'static attributes' or something like that which he plans to add support for some time. Tf2attributes right now can only find custom attributes added via tf2items/tf2attributes. I do it after TF2_RegeneratePlayer if I'm changing the player's class too, since I dunno if it updates immediately during that either. I only use that stock for when I set/remove "max health additive bonus" on the client itself and some other scenarios where it won't return the value I actually want because it takes a frame or so for the maxhealth value to update. SetEntProp ( iClient, Prop_Data, "m_iHealth", NewHealth ) SetEntProp ( iClient, Prop_Send, "m_iHealth", NewHealth ) Stock TF2_SetHealth ( iClient, NewHealth ) Return RoundFloat ( float ( TF2_GetMaxHealth ( iClient )) * ( flOverHeal - 1.0 )) Stock TF2_GetOverHeal ( iClient, Float : flOverHeal = 1.5 ) Returns the amount of overheal a client can receive Return RoundFloat ( float ( TF2_GetMaxHealth ( iClient )) * flOverHeal ) Stock TF2_GetMaxOverHeal ( iClient, Float : flOverHeal = 1.5 ) // Quick-Fix would be 1.25 Returns a client's max health if fully overhealed Return (( maxhealth = - 1 || maxhealth = 80896 ) ? GetEntProp ( iClient, Prop_Data, "m_iMaxHealth" ) : maxhealth ) New maxhealth = GetEntProp ( GetPlayerResourceEntity (), Prop_Send, "m_iMaxHealth", _, iClient ) as far as I'm aware it's post-item adjustment.

I admit I haven't checked this, but this should work to get a player's max health. if (IsValidEntity(FindPlayerBack(client, ))) HP += 25 // Darwin's Danger Shield New me = GetIndexOfWeaponSlot ( client, TFWeaponSlot_Melee ) New se = GetIndexOfWeaponSlot ( client, TFWeaponSlot_Secondary ) New pr = GetIndexOfWeaponSlot ( client, TFWeaponSlot_Primary ) The amount of health a player will spawn with based on their class and weapons.