: Work-in-progress an attempt to recreate the classic missions from TIE Fighter in the XWA game engine.

Also available: the "Order of the Sith" mission pack. : If you installed the "Ultimate Craft Pack", you need the mission fixes found here. : Home of "Imperial XWA", a redux of the XWA front-end from the Imperial side. : Listed again because it's home of the "Ultimate Craft Pack", which includes the XWAUP ships plus models based on the prequel movies and others. : An ongoing project aimed at "upgrading" X-Wing Alliance with higher resolution (and often more accurate) ship models. Star Wars Mods (X-Wing series mods that stay with a Star Wars theme) Forums are available if you need help or just to discuss what you're working on. : A way to stay up on happenings within the X-Wing modding community. Note: Files created with XMB will work in Windows X-Wing. : "Flight Deck" library includes the classic DOS XMB (X-Wing Mission Builder ) utility. Note: Files created with X-Wing and TIE Fighter mission editors on this site will work in both DOS and Windows versions of these games. : "Links" page includes several mission editors, including Evan Sabatelli's TIE Fighter Workshop, a 32-bit (Windows) mission editor for TIE Fighter. : A bit out of date as far as links go, but this site has excellent tutorials on how to create ships and missions for "X-Wing vs. Forums are also available if you have a modding question. : The best tutorial available on how to create X-Wing Alliance OPTs (ship models). Home of Defiant's X-Wing Launcher, which may be required to install some of the mods listed here.Ī good guide on how to mod X-Wing Alliance, even how to do your own cutscenes. Just about everything an X-Wing modder could want can be found in the File Archive. Note: AlliEd (X-Wing Alliance mission editor ) requires registration in order to use all features. The first (and last) word in mission editors for the X-Wing series. Troy Dangerfield's X-Wing Mission Editor page.Please report any dead links on the Jedi Council's Games Forum. Any changes made in the most recent update will be noted after the site description. This page will be updated as much as possible, so check back here often.